Major Livestock Shows

Livestock Show Web Pages

Heart O’ Texas Fair (Waco)

Houston Livestock Show and Rodeo

San Antonio Livestock Exposition

Fort Worth Stock Show and Rodeo

Rodeo Austin

State Fair of Texas (Dallas)

Washington County Fair



Quality Counts

Quality Counts is designed to teach young people the importance of displaying good character in carrying out livestock projects, and in every aspect of their lives. Quality Counts helps youth exhibitors learn the importance of using proper livestock management practices so that food quality and safety are preserved.

Through a set of curriculum, activities and a verification exam, livestock exhibitors understand they are contributing to the world’s most nutritious and safe food supply.  Livestock show programs, like Quality Counts, are critical in the development of agricultural industry careers of young professionals.

Exhibitor participation in Quality Counts helps ensure that Texas 4-H members can continue to be a part of the greatest youth livestock program in the nation.

To take the course, start with the instructions here!

To complete the course and exam, it is strongly recommended that Mozilla Firefox is used!

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